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Arthurs Pass National Park
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Locations near Arthurs Pass
 - Christchurch
 - Greymouth
 - Punakaiki
 - Westport
 - Hokitika

Arthurs Pass TownshipIn the heart of the Southern Alps, is Arthur's Pass (el. 920 m.), one of three  mountain passes through the Southern Alps of the South Island of New Zealand.

It marks part of the boundary between Westland and Canterbury, 140 km from Christchurch and 95 km from Greymouth. The pass lies in a saddle between the valleys of the Otira River, a tributary of the Taramakau in the west and the Bealey River in the east.

Arthurs Pass village (Pop: 30) is located about 5 km south of the mountain pass and provide accommodation, general store with petrol facility, cafe, restaurant, camping ground and is Park Headquarters and Visitor Information Centre for Arthurs Pass National Park.

The railway line between Christchurch and Greymouth and State Highway 73 runs through the park, giving easy access to the alpine zone.

Since Arthurs Pass is in an alpine regions, if you would like walk on the various tracks in the area, for your safety, plus contact the Department of Conservation office in Arthurs Pass for details. Their staff are there to help you.

Arthurs Pass National ParkThe highest mountains have glaciers and surrounding them are tussock basins, flowering herbs and alpine grasses.

Arthur's Pass National Park has an incredible diversity of flora and landscape. They range from eastern beech clad hills and tussock valleys to the luxuriant rain forest in the west. 

Craigieburn Conservation Park - a small mountainous park adjoining the Arthurs Pass National Park on the drier eastern side of the Main Divide. Known for its skifields, it also offers good tramping, camping and picnicking.

Arthurs Pass is served by various independent bus and coach operators providing regular daily services to and from Greymouth and Christchurch and the TranzAlpine train to and from Greymouth and Christchurch.

There is no schedule air services to and from Arthurs Pass. The nearest airport for domestic and international air services is Christchurch.