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The Milford Track - Track Information |
Please allow the minimum of 4 days to walk the Milford Track. A reasonable amount of fitness is required to walk the 12-20kms per day. Weather in the Fiordland region is notoriously unpredictable. Heavy rain, driving wind and snow can occur at any time of the year, including summer. Rapid temperature drops mean that hypothermia (exposure) can set in very quickly. Fording floodwaters up to a metre (3 feet) deep may be necessary after heavy rain. Warm woollen or polypropylene clothing is essential. ACCOMMODATION
There are no showers available at the huts. There are flush toilets, hand basins & basins to wash in. No soap or shampoo is allowed to be used in the lakes or rivers along the track, as a build up of residue can be damaging to the environment. Department of Conservation Staff are in residence at each of the huts and have radio telephone access for weather updates and in cases of emergency. TRAVEL AND ACCOMMODATION
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