travelnewzealand New Zealand's Travel Network |
Greymouth To Wanaka Bus and Coach Services | |||||
Travel Greymouth to Wanaka choosing from a range of bus/coach timetable, timetables, schedules fares, prices, tickets, bookings, reservations, routes & travel services | |||||
Travel Option 1 | |||||
Greymouth to | Departs | Arrives | Frequency | Service Information | Operator |
Franz Josef | 1.30pm | 5.05pm | Daily* | InterCity Coachlines | |
Accommodation is required in Franz Josef for at least a 1 night stay. Click for Franz Josef Motel/Hotel or Hostel accommodation | |||||
Franz Josef to | |||||
Wanaka | 8.00am | 2.10pm | Daily | Newmans Coachlines | |
Fares and Reservations | ONLINE FARES/RESERVATIONS | ||||
* connects with the TranzAlpne train from Arthurs Pass and Christchurch | |||||
You can use a Flexipass bus and ferry pass for the above travel | |||||
Travel Option 2 | |||||
Greymouth to | Departs | Arrives | Frequency | Service Information | Operator |
Fox Glacier | 1.30pm | 5.40pm | Daily* | InterCity Coachlines | |
Accommodation is required in Fox Glacier for at least 1 night stay. Click for Fox Glacier Motel/Hotel or Hostel accommodation | |||||
Fox Glacier to | |||||
Wanaka | 8.00am | 2.10pm | Daily | Newmans Coachlines | |
Fares and Reservations | ONLINE FARES/RESERVATIONS | ||||
* connects with the TranzAlpne train from Arthurs Pass and Christchurch | |||||
You can use a Flexipass bus and ferry pass for the above travel | |||||
The above Greymouth to
Wanaka bus and coach times are for guidance only and may change with out